Monday, November 5, 2007

Just leave it there, we'll get it in a few weeks

A man calls us and places a large order, which he wants delivered. He gives an address in one of the developing neighborhoods on the edges of town. When the order is ready, I jump in my car and head out.

When I arrive at his address, I find that no one is home. Because the house isn't finished yet. The driveway is a hole in the ground, the place has no walls, and I can see the street behind it through the house's empty frame.

I double-check to make sure I'm at the right address, which I am. I look around: none of the other houses on this block are finished, either. Hmm.

I return to the Pizza Place, and my manager gives the guy a call.

"Oh!" he says. "That's the house we're moving to in a few weeks."

My manager: "You gave us the address of a house you don't even live in yet?"

"Yeah," he says, chuckling. "Guess I'm an idiot."

You don't say.


Lucas said...

You didn't see it then, but no one can blame you for it.

That man could bend space/time. But he couldn't control it. He got a bit lost in the past and was hungry.

Anonymous said...

I laughed out loud so hard...I spit on my laptop!

Now THAT sounds idiotic!

Anonymous said...

I think I've read a Stephen King story that starts off with a delivery guy going to a nonexistent house.