Monday, January 28, 2008

Well, he died in 1979, I suppose he is, technically...

Remember the Dumbest Waitress?

The other day, Big Boss was pontificating on American foods. Namely, that we don't have our own cuisine -- it's merely a hodgepodge of styles from other countries. I don't know what brought this up; I wasn't in the room. Maybe he was talking about his own Iranian food. I don't know.

But he waxed poetic for a while, explaining to all of us (well, those still listening) that because America is such a new country, we haven't had time to really develop anything of our own. "These foods," he said, "these are...the other countries'...histories. They are history."

"History?" the Dumbest Waitress said. "You mean, like John Wayne?"


Then: "Yes. Just like John Wayne."

The Dumbest Waitress nodded, then wandered off.

John Wayne?

Big Boss hasn't tried any big cultural lectures since.


Lucas said...

I posit for your Big Boss the New England cuisine and the Southern cuisine. Show me any country that cooks like that but isn't a derivative of those regional foods, and I'll show you a temporal anomaly.

J. Walker said...

I concede your point. Big Boss probably had little clue what he was talking about. He rarely does.